
Monday, August 15, 2005

The Circle Will Come Around...

I guess this is the most neglected blog of the web... but I promise to kill my lazyness and write more often here (liar!).
Well, a lot happened since my last post and that's why the title of this one fits properly in what is to come. It's somewhat weird how we, in a moment, have an opinion and position about a certain situation and how we say to ourselves "this is it! There's no come back this time!", and suddenly we get ourselves facing this thing again and making the decisions we avoided before.
It reminds me of a pre-fame Michelle Branch song called Second Chances. Sometimes we have million second chances. The Light is always giving us many oportunities, not to do over, but to do better, try harder. When we catch ourselves having these second chances we get sure that the circle does come around, and we should move with it. If fate gives us the chance to try again, do so! Shall we not waste precious opportunity with pride and ego. Things happen in our lives to make us grow and have a larger notion from situations. There I was bragging myself for "letting go" of a virtual relationship, when I actually was very tied to it.
Enough of the "love-bla-bla-bla"...

My dear COW is about to release a new album in November! The COW is Madonna and the album is Confessions On A Dancefloor. We from the Madge-World are all excited about Hung Up's (1st single) launch and all the forthcoming projects. We'll have a very Madonna Christmas this year! And I can't wait for it!!!


Anonymous said...

só um aviso, cuidado com seus amigos, mas quando eu digo isso não pra vc tomar conta é pra abrir os olhos mesmo, vc está muito próximo de uma cobra e ela está pronta para dar o bote.

Anonymous said...

Ah, so THIS is the infamous Woodstock. Damn your fugly. Go get a facelift, or a shotgun or something and fix whatever it is that I'm looking at in your profile.