
Monday, April 07, 2008

Adieu Uli

Last night I posted on my movie blog about how every classic artist has been dying this year. During the night a classic figure in my life passed away: Ulisses, our oldest dog, got horribly sicky overnight and died this morning. Dad says it could've been a heart attack... but who cares?
Ulisses was a character! As young he used to be the bitchy thing that bickered whenever you approached him; he was carrying things around as if saying "hey, you came! look, i can carry things!" As he got older, he became the most blasé dog in the house: he loved us to pet him, but snarled at first, just for the sake of bitching. He had those low eyes and we suspected he was becoming blind, because he'd stare at the same spot for very long minutes. Still he was a lovely thing to have a round.
I shall miss him very much - especially because he was my most loved companion on drunk nights, when I'd get home alone and he'd already be waiting for me on my bedroom's door.
Rest in peace Uli.
[Song: Não É Fácil - Marisa Monte]


marcela said...

I'm so sorry for you loss. Dogs are wonderful companions, and I'm sure Ulisses was an amazing one.

Michael Parsons said...

I am sorry for your loss. It is funny how people do not realise how a pet can transform your life.
Murph and Soph are my family, my little girls and the thought of anything.......well lets just say the water works come.

A Pet is so much more than they name they give it. It is the member of your family that understands you the most.

Notas Sobre Creación Cultural e Imaginarios Sociales said...

This is terrible news!
Fuck Heston, Uli never endorsed weapons and the Bush family.
He was a fine being and noble and loyal.
That's much more than can be said for most people on Earth.

andrés said...

sorry for your loss :(
i never had a dog, but i get afraid to be sometimes too attached. but losing is part of loving, and we didnt know uli, but if you loved him, we loved him