
Sunday, July 02, 2006

Last Post

Lol... that sounded like I'm going to die or worst, I'll go to surgery and they'll cut off my hands and I'll never be able to type again. But it's none of that!! I'm going on holidays in Bahia and I hope to get really relaxed, chilled, happy and laid!! It means that I'll be a while without posting, since I'll have no computer there to do so.

I'm leaving Marilia with a certain charge of bad energy from someone that turned out to be a burden in my evolution. LOL!! That was a BIT drama-queened but the thing is, every time that motherfucker comes into my life I feel angry, hurt and mostly disappointed with myself for feeling like that!!

But you know, FUCK IT!! Craps come to our lives for us to work on them and to then evolve. He and all the anger he brings are just obstacles I have to go through and I will!! Since I'm a very good human being I'll rely on next semester to do everything I didn't do, but was supposed to, on the 1st. Hehehehe...

[Song: Breathe Me - Sia]

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