
Thursday, August 03, 2006

Back to the start...

During my trip back to Marilia, my father and I started an argument about promiscuity in the homossexual world. His arguments convinced me and even though I don't judge that lyfe-style and sometimes wish it, I fell into a melancholy I could not exactly explain even to myself. I want romance.
To see Pride and Prejudice reassured on me that feeling. I want to share feelings in a deeper level than club-hunting or mall flirting; all this making out has been draining out my energy, especially because when I'm not having it I crave for it. Is one supposed to be enslaved by shallow and quick sensations? It probably depends on what one wants and I honestly want more, I want to go deeper and deeper, find a like-minded companion and have loads of intellectual intercourse.
Knowing how picky I am, I know I'll have to be patient until I find someone worth-exchanging... or someone in his teen years... ohh boy, Lucas gotta change!! Lol!!
By the way, due to this new romance-craving era I'm addicted to a new song: It's called Pra Ser Sincero by Brazillian [genius] singer/songwriter Marisa Monte. It's a sweet girly ballad about guess what... heartache!!! Here're the lyrics:
Eu era tão feliz
E não sabia, amor
Fiz tudo o que eu quis
Confesso a minha dor
E era tão real
Que eu só fazia fantasia
E não fazia mal
E agora é tanto amor
Me abrace como foi
Te adoro e você vem comigo
Aonde quer que eu voe

E o que passou, calou
E o que virá, dirá
E só ao seu lado, seu telhado
Me faz feliz de novo
O tempo vai passar
E tudo vai entrar no jeito certo de nós dois
As coisas são assim
E se será, será
Pra ser sincero, meu remédio é te amar, te amar
Não pense, por favor
Que eu não sei dizer
Que é amor tudo o que eu sinto longe de você
[Song: Pra Ser Sincero - Marisa Monte]

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