
Thursday, November 23, 2006

Happy Endings

There was a time in my adolescence [nowadays I hate what I was back then, but it's recent and always good blog material] that I used to think that being depressed was cool. I listened to Evanescene as if they were some sort of "deep-feelingsland" spokesmen, Alanis Morissette was G-d, Jewel was the angel and movies... yeah, the one that made me close to a suicide was the best ever! [Thank G-d I just saw Requiem For A Dream this year!]
So tonight, after rewatching one of the most hyped movies ever I needed a treat with a light, sweet and underrated story: Happy Endings. My friend has been talking so much about this film that I had no more excuse for not getting it. After having watched it, that tacky question came up to my mind; but along with a sort of new idea: I love happy endings!
No, it's not like that from now on I'm going to ignore all the sad tear-jerking stories that come along in whatever form [song, film, book etc]; there's still much love inside for The Hours and Stepmom, but if you ask me which [sad or bad endings] I prefer... you already know the answer.
I just assume that life is already shitty enough for us to cling to depression! In his book Power Of Kabbalah, ravi Yehuda Berg says that human beings' main desire is to be happy; we'll do pretty much everything to keep having the good injections of endorphin our cells give us whenever there's something that feeds that desire. We'll always be willing and able to keep the thrill. Some people [I'm judgement free here, I promise] get high by sabotaging themselves thus being depressed, others just choose the bright sides and live along. Oh, me? Well, give me a cute indie starlet singing a classic tune and I'll be all the way to [cheerful] tearyland!
Image and video hosting by TinyPicAs for Amy Lee: someone please shoot that Dracula wannabe; Alanis: amazing artist with some of ther best songs ever written, but far from being a role model now; Jewel: she'll play all her cheery songs on my wedding; and movies? Well, just give me them because they make me happy.
[Song: Just The Way You Are - Maggie Gyllenhaal]

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