
Wednesday, May 02, 2007

"Eruptions And Disasters"

One of the things I've always thought as ultimate glamourous fun between friends was going to a motel just for the sake of hanging out. Last night I did it.
When we stopped at the motel's gate I had to reach my hand to press an intercom; a feminine voice talked to me.
"Sir, are you underage?"
*giggles* "No luv, we're not underage."
"Are you sure you're not underage?"
*laughs* "Of course I am luv!"
"How many people is there in the car?"
"Three, luv."
"Then we'll charge you an extra load fee."
"How much will that be?"
"Are you sure there are three people in the car?"
"Yes, lady I am very sure." *laughs*
Anyways, as we got into the suite we were cracking ourselves with the tacky luxury of the place - okay, I was. The decoration consisted in cream marble floors, Barroque angels statues combined with Greek columns and Gone With The Wind-esque curtains around the jacuzzi. Our main intention was to be in the jacuzzi, to have some beers and smoke some ciggies. But I think I got more than expected as I felt that this silly harmless fun was reassuring our friendship in terms that got me a bit depressed.
No, we did no orgy dumbasses. But I felt a link with these guys in the same level I have with the ho and Alais, and I haven't felt such in a long time. Surely there are "crappy" feelings involved [you know what I'm talking about], but the reason it got me slightly down is that I'll be always going away and such things take so long to be built, and in an environment like a big city it may never happen. Not saying the country is better than the city, heaven forbid, but experiences I had in both places make me look at small towns with kinder eyes.
Once again, I will sure miss this place.
[Song: Possibly Maybe - Björk]

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